Scriptural Authority and Interpretation

A Critical Examination of the Septuagint (LXX)

The Septuagint (LXX) and the Masoretic Text (MT) are two of the most well-known textual traditions of the Old Testament. The LXX is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, while the MT is the authoritative Hebrew text preserved by Jewish scribes. Many today...

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The Lifespans of Noah’s Descendants: Masoretic Vs. LXX

When we study the lifespans of Noah’s sons and their descendants, we are looking at much more than just a list of names and numbers. These genealogies help us establish the timing of the Flood, the post-Flood world, and ultimately, the age of the earth. Many people...

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Adam and Eve: Formed by God, Created for a Purpose

The creation of Adam and Eve stands as a testimony to God’s divine craftsmanship, intentional design, and overall purpose for humanity. Unlike the rest of creation, which was spoken into existence, mankind was uniquely formed by God’s hands and made in His image....

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Gabriel: The Messenger of God

Gabriel is one of the few angels named in Scripture, and his role is distinct among the heavenly host. Every time he appears, he is delivering a divine message of great significance—often related to God’s redemptive plan. His name in Hebrew, Gavri'el, means “God is...

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The Number-12: Foundation and Order

Throughout Scripture, the number twelve appears repeatedly, symbolizing divine authority, governance, and completeness. It is often associated with God’s people, His leadership structure, and His divine order. From the twelve tribes of Israel to the twelve...

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How to Witness to a Mormon: Leading Them to Christ

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), commonly known as Mormonism, teaches doctrines that significantly differ from biblical Christianity. While Mormons use Christian terminology, their understanding of God, Jesus, salvation, and scripture is...

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A Critical Examination of Codex Sinaiticus

Codex Sinaiticus, often hailed as one of the oldest complete manuscripts of the Bible, has been the subject of intense scrutiny and debate since its discovery in the 19th century. While many scholars regard it as a pivotal find in biblical textual criticism, there...

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The Book of Enoch: A Biblical Perspective

The Book of Enoch has sparked much interest and debate throughout Christian history. While it contains fascinating insights and historical narratives, it is not part of the inspired canon of Scripture. Understanding its origins, content, and theological...

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