The Nature of God

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Jesus often spoke in parables, using simple yet profound stories to reveal deep spiritual truths. One of the most well-known parables is the Parable of the Lost Sheep, found in Luke 15:3-7 and Matthew 18:12-14. This parable is a beautiful picture of God’s love, His...

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The Noahic Covenant: The Significance of the Rainbow

After the flood, when the waters had subsided and Noah, his family, and the animals emerged from the ark, God established a covenant with Noah and all living creatures. This covenant is recorded in Genesis 9:8-17, where God declares: "And God spoke to Noah and to...

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Adam and Eve: Formed by God, Created for a Purpose

The creation of Adam and Eve stands as a testimony to God’s divine craftsmanship, intentional design, and overall purpose for humanity. Unlike the rest of creation, which was spoken into existence, mankind was uniquely formed by God’s hands and made in His image....

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Cyrus: An Evil King God Used for Good

Cyrus the Great was the founder of the Persian Empire and ruled from approximately 559 to 530 B.C. He was a pagan king who worshipped idols and had no allegiance to the God of Israel. Yet, he was a tool in the hand of the Almighty. God called him by name long...

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Balaam: And His Talking Donkey

One of the most unusual and fascinating accounts in the Bible is found in Numbers 22—the account of Balaam and his talking donkey. While it may seem like an odd moment in Scripture, this event carries profound truths about God’s providence, man’s stubbornness, and...

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The Unknown God: Paul’s Sermon to a Lost World

When the Apostle Paul traveled to Athens, he found a city consumed with idol worship. The Greeks prided themselves on their philosophy and religious devotion, yet in their attempt to cover all possibilities, they had erected an altar to an "Unknown God." This...

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The Book of Nehemiah: Rebuilding and Revival

Nehemiah was a Jewish cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia, serving as a high-ranking official in the royal court. Though he lived in a foreign land, his heart was set on the welfare of Jerusalem, the city of his ancestors. When he learned that the walls of...

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Joseph: From Pit to Palace

The life of Joseph is one of the most profound testimonies of God’s providence and faithfulness found in Genesis 37–50. His account is not merely one of hardship and triumph, but of how God uses trials to refine us, position us, and fulfill His divine purposes....

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Psalm 22: The Prophetic Cry of the Messiah

Psalm 22 is one of the most profound Messianic psalms in the Bible. Written by David under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it vividly describes the suffering, agony, and ultimate triumph of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. When Jesus cried out from the cross, “My...

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