End Times and Eschatology

Labor Pains: The Beginning of Sorrows

The term “labor pains” is used in Scripture to describe the period of increasing tribulations, disasters, and unrest leading up to the return of Jesus Christ. Just as a woman experiences contractions that grow more frequent and intense before giving birth, so too...

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The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is a future event where Christ, the Bridegroom, is united in celebration with His Bride, the Church. This is a time of great joy, marking the final fulfillment of the relationship between Christ and His redeemed people. The key...

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The Day of Christ

The phrase "the day of Christ" appears multiple times in Scripture, and it carries a specific meaning that is distinct from both "the day of the Lord" and the rapture. It is crucial to examine every reference to this phrase to understand its significance, timing,...

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The Day of the Lord: The Final Judgment

The phrase “the Day of the Lord” appears throughout Scripture, often referring to a time of divine intervention and judgment. However, it is essential to distinguish between different uses of specific terms. The Day of the Lord occurs at the end of the 1,000-year...

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Satan: The Adversary, His Nature, Power, and Destiny

The first mention of Satan in Scripture appears in Genesis 3:1 where he is introduced as the serpent who deceived Eve. The text states: "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, 'Has God...

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The Seven Trumpets of Revelation: Seven Earthly Judgments

The seven trumpets of Revelation unveil a series of God’s judgments upon the earth during the tribulation, demonstrating the severity of His wrath against sin and rebellion. These judgments are both terrifying and purposeful, highlighting God's sovereign justice...

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Wormwood: A Bitter Judgement

Let’s dig deep into the prophetic imagery of Wormwood, a key element in the Book of Revelation that is often linked with cosmic catastrophe and divine judgment. By studying its occurrence in the New Testament and holding it against the Old Testament Scriptures, we...

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