Biblical History

Unforsaken: God Will Not Forsake His People

God's faithfulness to His people is woven from Genesis to Revelation. From the very beginning, His covenant with His people included the promise of His presence. In Deuteronomy 31:6, Moses tells Israel, “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of...

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Priscilla: A Woman of the Word and the Work

Priscilla, also referred to as Prisca, is introduced in Acts 18:2, where Paul meets her and her husband Aquila in Corinth. Scripture says, “And he found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla…” They had...

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Polycarp: A Life of Faith and Martyrdom

Polycarp was born between AD 69 and 70 to Christian parents and became a disciple of the Apostle John. This direct tutelage positioned him as a vital link between the apostolic era and subsequent generations. Irenaeus, his pupil, attested that Polycarp was...

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The Pentateuch – Foundation of the Word

The Pentateuch, from the Greek pente (five) and teuchos (scroll or book), refers to the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. In Hebrew, this portion is called the Torah, meaning “law” or “instruction.” These books...

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The Feast of Tabernacles

The Feast of Tabernacles, also called Sukkot or the Feast of Ingathering, was one of the three major pilgrimage feasts commanded by God in the Law of Moses. It took place on the fifteenth day of the seventh month (Tishri), lasting for seven days with an additional...

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The Nazirite Vow

The Nazirite vow is first introduced in the Law of Moses, specifically in Numbers 6:1-21. The word “Nazirite” comes from the Hebrew word nāzîr, which means “consecrated” or “separated.” This vow was not confined to a specific tribe; rather, it was a voluntary...

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Hosanna: The Cry of Salvation and Kingship

The word "Hosanna" is one of the most significant expressions in the New Testament, especially during Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It is a word filled with prophetic meaning, expectation, and recognition of Jesus as the Messiah. To fully understand why...

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The Book of Joel: Repentance and a Promise of Restoration

The book of Joel is a powerful prophetic message calling God’s people to repentance in the face of judgment, while also offering a glorious promise of restoration and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Though it is a short book with only three chapters, its themes...

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Nebuchadnezzar – The King Who Learned to Fear God

Nebuchadnezzar is one of the most powerful and complex figures in Scripture. He was a mighty king, yet a man of deep pride. He was a conqueror who built an empire, yet he was ultimately humbled by God. His story is one of glory, arrogance, judgment, and redemption....

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The Book of Obadiah

The book of Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament, consisting of only 21 verses. Despite its brevity, it delivers a powerful message of judgment against Edom and a prophecy of Israel’s restoration. Who Was Obadiah? Obadiah is one of the minor prophets,...

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