End Times and Eschatology

Satan: The Adversary, His Nature, Power, and Destiny

The first mention of Satan in Scripture appears in Genesis 3:1 where he is introduced as the serpent who deceived Eve. The text states: "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, 'Has God indeed said, "You shall not eat of every tree of the garden"?'" While the name "Satan" is not directly used in Genesis, the New Testament clarifies the identity of this serpent. Revelation 12:9 declares: "So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world." This passage...

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The Seven Trumpets of Revelation: Seven Earthly Judgments

The seven trumpets of Revelation unveil a series of God’s judgments upon the earth during the tribulation, demonstrating the severity of His wrath against sin and rebellion. These judgments are both terrifying and purposeful, highlighting God's sovereign justice and calling for repentance even in the midst of devastation. Throughout Scripture, trumpets often serve as harbingers of significant events, whether to declare war, announce God’s intervention, or call people to attention. The connection between the seven trumpets and other biblical uses of trumpets, such as the fall of Jericho,...

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The 70 Weeks of Daniel: A Prophecy of Fulfillment and Future Hope

The prophecy of the 70 weeks, found in Daniel 9:24–27, is one of the most remarkable and detailed prophecies in the Bible. It foretells the coming of the Messiah, His sacrificial death, and the timeline for God’s redemptive plan. This prophecy is unique in its precision, as it provides a chronological framework that predicted the exact timing of the Messiah’s first coming and hints at events yet to be fulfilled. In this study, we will explore the 70 weeks prophecy, its short-term and long-term fulfillment, the gap between the 69th and 70th weeks, and what we are still waiting to see...

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The Two Lampstands and Olive Trees: The Two Witnesses of Revelation

Let’s talk about a fascinating image in Scripture—the two lampstands and two olive trees mentioned in Revelation 11:3–4: "And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth." At first glance, this might seem mysterious, but when we look at the Old Testament, we find that this imagery isn’t new. To fully grasp the meaning, we’ll explore its Old Testament roots in Zechariah 4 and then unpack its New Testament fulfillment in...

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Wormwood: A Bitter Judgement

Let’s dig deep into the prophetic imagery of Wormwood, a key element in the Book of Revelation that is often linked with cosmic catastrophe and divine judgment. By studying its occurrence in the New Testament and holding it against the Old Testament Scriptures, we can uncover the layered meaning and significance of Wormwood, both as a literal event and as a fulfillment of God’s righteous purposes. Our focus will be on its role in Revelation 8:10-11, its Old Testament roots, and the broader spiritual truths it conveys about God’s judgment and the consequences of sin. Wormwood in Revelation...

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Matthew 24-25: Signs of the End, Multiple Questions, and the Coming of the Son of Man

Matthew 24 is Jesus’ profound response to His disciples’ questions about the end of the age, delivered on the Mount of Olives. It begins with Jesus predicting the destruction of the temple: “Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down” (Matthew 24:2). This prophecy was fulfilled in A.D. 70 when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem. The disciples, perplexed, asked three questions in Matthew 24:3: “When will these things be?” “What will be the sign of Your coming?” “And of the end of the age?” Jesus...

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Zechariah 5: The Woman in the Ephah and End-Times Deception

The book of Zechariah is filled with prophetic imagery that speaks both to the immediate context of Israel’s restoration after the Babylonian exile and to events that appear to extend into the end times. Zechariah 5 presents a particularly mysterious vision involving a flying scroll and an ephah (a large basket or container) with a woman identified as "Wickedness" inside, carried by two women with stork-like wings to the land of Shinar, or Babylon. Let’s explore the depth of this passage, connecting it to Scripture and considering the possibility that it hints at a deception involving...

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Heaven: What Heaven is Really Like

Lets talk about what the Bible says about Heaven, the new creation, and the life to come. We’re not going to base this on cultural images of harps and clouds, but on the truth of God’s Word. Let’s explore the biblical use of "Heaven," "Heavens," and "Heavenly," as well as the incredible promise of the new Heavens and new Earth. Understanding “Heaven,” “Heavens,” and “Heavenly” The Bible uses the word "Heaven" in different ways, so we need to be clear. The Sky (Atmosphere) The first use of "Heavens" refers to the sky above us, where the birds fly. Genesis 1:20 describes this: “Then God...

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Hell and the Lake of Fire: A Comprehensive Biblical Perspective

The doctrine of Hell and the Lake of Fire is both challenging and deeply serious. Scripture presents Hell as a place of real and final judgment, underscoring the holiness of God and the profound consequences of rejecting His grace. To understand this doctrine biblically, we will examine the four terms translated as “Hell” in the Bible—Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, and Tartarus—and explore their distinct meanings. We will also clarify the Bible’s teaching on the ultimate fate of the unrepentant, focusing on passages that address the destruction of the soul and the final judgment at the Great...

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A Thorough Examination of Apollyon: The Angel of the Bottomless Pit and the Destroyer Angel

The figure of Apollyon, mentioned in the book of Revelation, has sparked significant discussion and debate among theologians and Bible scholars. Is Apollyon the same as the destroyer angel described in the Old Testament? How does this figure fit into the biblical narrative of divine judgment? This article will provide a comprehensive overview of Apollyon, his role in Revelation, and his connection to the angelic being known as the destroyer. Apollyon in Revelation: The Angel of the Bottomless Pit Revelation 9:1-11 provides a vivid description of the events following the sounding of the...

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